2021 Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson

Two trainers, Claire Guy and Cher Williscroft, will lead all 3 x non-residential weekend workshops (Friday evening plus Saturday/Sunday). Our year-long multi-level programme will build your experience and practice of the psychodrama method every day in your chosen...

Visiting trainer Chris Hosking 2021 weekend training workshop

2021  April 16 – 18  :   A non-residential weekend training workshop run by visiting trainer, Chris Hosking.  Friday evening plus Saturday/Sunday.  Limited to 15 people.  (ExLD trainees receive enrolment preference until 31 January 2021) Visiting trainer, Chris...

2021 Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners

New dates:  2021 November 4 – 7  :  Join us at our popular annual four-day residential psychodrama, sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort near Nelson. As a result of this workshop, you can expect to apply your knowledge and...

2021 Creating the Life You Want weekend workshop

. . . believing in yourself, making good choices and taking the right actions Personal and professional development 2-day workshop run over two Thursdays (non-residential).  No previous experience of psychodrama required.   We have a vision to build your capacity...

2021 One-to-One Supervised Director Training ExLD

Programme for Advanced Trainees  : Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8...