2022 Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson

ExLD Nelson’s year-long multi-level programme will build your experience and practice of the psychodrama method every day in your chosen profession, work, in your community, in your relationships and in play.  This will be achieved through supervised...

2022 Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners

18 – 21 August 2022  :   Join us at our popular annual four-day residential psychodrama, sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort near Nelson. As a result of this workshop, you can expect to apply your knowledge and...

2022 Creating the Life You Want weekend workshop with Claire Guy

. . . believing in yourself, making good choices and taking the right actions Personal development weekend workshop (non-residential) run by Claire Guy.  No previous experience of psychodrama required.   Who can attend? This workshop is designed for anyone who...

2022 One-to-One Supervised Director Training ExLD

Programme for Advanced Trainees  : Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8...