Group work training and supervision

This series of fortnightly group work training and supervision sessions will provide an opportunity to explore and integrate the theory and practice of group work.
July 2 - August 27. These group work training and supervision sessions will provide an opportunity to explore and integrate the theory and practice of group work. The first half of each session will involve learning to observe and report on group functioning along with some teaching. The second half of each session will focus on the supervision of group work practice using aspects of the psychodrama method. All participants need to be involved with a group or groups that you can observe and write up using different perspectives. There are writing and some reading requirements between sessions. This training will be of interest to all of you who want to develop your skills in leading groups and participating in groups.


Wednesdays evenings: July 2, 16, 30. August 13, 27.




Please email Bev Hosking if you have any questions.


CPD Wellington - to be confirmed


$375.00. Some places available at a reduced rate.


Bev Hosking and Cissy Rock.

Workshop Code


Training Hours

12.5 hours