Workshop Description
This supervision group is designed for psychodrama trainees wanting to work sociodramatically. This may be with organisations, community groups and other social systems. The group once formed will be a closed group meeting each month for 1.5 hours focusing on issues drawn from group members’ experience with clients and or aspects of theory in practice they want to learn about.
Enrol in this Sociodrama Online Supervision Group
To enrol for this event email David Grant
David will invoice you and your place will be confirmed once payment is received.
The Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama
Workshop Code: Vivienne Thomson ATCP 2023
Times & Dates
7 – 8:30 AM. Fridays, 10 February, 17 March, 21 April, 12 May, 16 June, 14 July, 18 August, 15 September, 20 October, 17 November
Old St Michael’s Church on-site at Corban Estate Arts Centre in Henderson.
$650.00 (incl. GST)
To enrol for this event email David Grant David will invoice you and your place will be confirmed once payment is received.

Vivienne Thomson
Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Campus Director of Training
Vivienne is a Sociodramatist and Trainer Educator Practitioner (TEP) and is the Director of Training of the PANZ Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland campus. She served on the AANZPA Executive (2003-2005) and Board of Examiners (2006-2014), including as Secretary of the Board (2009-2014) and is currently the Chair of the Ethics Committee.
After working as a primary teacher in the public system, Vivienne ran an alternative school for several years. Following her teaching career she established a training and consulting company in the 1980s which continues today. She has used her experience in psychodrama to develop innovative approaches to her work which have led to significant organisational developments in New Zealand and overseas. Results of her work have been published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Great Britain, the New Zealand Resource Centre and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has also developed training resources that have been used in the University of London, the Centre for Post Graduate Pharmacy Education Great Britain, and in many NZ organisations. Currently, Vivienne’s work is mostly providing supervision and mentoring to individuals enabling them to apply their talents in their particular chosen field of work.
Vivienne has a Diploma of Teaching, a B.A. majoring in Education, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Product Design Enterprise. A little known fact is that she’s a qualified International Wildwater Judge. Now she tends to have more sedate interests such as being a Board member (Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand Trust), private pianist, handbell ringer, keen gardener and cook, and grandmother.