What is really going on? Making the invisible visible in work teams
This experientially based training includes both theoretical and practical components. As managers and leaders, your role is to help people shift from giving bureaucratic soulless responses to being helpful and purposeful. Why isn’t this easy?
By working with the informal networks of relationships together with your formal organisation structure, you can increase your capacities to help people work well together. This workshop helps you to assess what is going on, and to have your team connect relevantly with others to enact their purpose. We explore ways to connect our own personal and professional identities and remain purposeful and then to assist others with this.
Based on the work of the founder of sociometry, Jacob Moreno, psychiatrist, prolific social researcher, and author, workshop methodologies include here-and-now sociometric investigations and role training. Expect to be involved and expect to participate. There is a small amount of preparation.
- To establish trusting relationships rapidly
- The three sources for criteria for connections in teams
- To use the relationship between informal relationship networks and formal structures
- The sociometric concepts that underpin interventions that work
- To read complex team situations, make assessments, and intervene to progress work
- How to build cohesion in work teams.
Written Application
Write to us stating your experience, specific focus for this training and send to tia@psychodrama.org.nz. Include your contact details including e-mail address and phone number. A deposit of $50 must accompany enrolments; this is fully refundable if you do not proceed to training.
Enrol in What is really going on?
Training in Action
Workshop Code
SVD, 30 Portsmouth Dr, South Dunedin
14th & 15th June 2018
Thursday 1.30pm to 4.30pm, Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm
$ 300 incl GST.
Training hours
10 hours
Workshop Leader
Diana Jones
Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington Campus
Diana Jones is a sociometrist, and Trainer Educator Practitioner with AANZPA. She was AANZPA Executive Treasurer for four years, past President of FTINZ, the former Chair of PANZ and the current AANZPA Journal Editor.
For 35 years, Diana was executive coach and leadership advisor to business leaders and their teams applying sociometry, role training, group work, and sociodrama to refresh informal relationship networks, radically improving group dynamics, and assist executives grapple with business dilemmas. She helped over 450 senior leaders to shift to being in the moment as they influenced and led groups in her Executive Presence programme. Diana has published two books on sociometry in leadership; Leadership Material: how personal experience shapes executive presence (2017) and Leadership Levers: Releasing the power of relationships for exceptional participation, alignment and team results (2022).
As academic supervisor in the MA Applied Programme at Victoria University for nine years she worked alongside business and arts leaders as graduates developed policy and its application in practice. Diana led residential leadership programmes for senior leaders based on group work and peer learning for the New Zealand College of Management for six years. She is an accredited organisation behaviour observer and feedback giver with the Centre for Creative Leadership in North Carolina.
Diana is a portrait artist, a former chair of the Wellington Women’s Homeless Trust, a gym and Pilates enthusiast, a te reo tauira, and not having children of her own, lives the miracle of being the third grandmother to four.