This 3-day psychodrama training workshop will focus on the theory and practice that are essential to the psychodrama method: including – psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry, role training and group work.
The training is experiential and interactive, and participants will learn about the application of this method in their personal and professional life. This training will assist those in leadership roles to develop their abilities.
Enrol in W1-2022: Psychodrama Training Workshop
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute
Workshop Code: W1- 2022
Weekend: 1-3 April: Friday 7.00pm – Sunday 4.30pm
Level One, 35-37 Victoria Street, Central Wellington.
$495.00 (inc GST) Some places available at a reduced fee
Deposit: $200.00

Chris Hosking
Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington Campus
Chris Hosking is an AANZPA registered Psychodramatist and Trainer Educator Practitioner and a Distinguished Member of AANZPA. Chris has served on various committees within AANZPA including the Executive, the Board of Examiners and the Ethics Committee. Chris has been training people in Psychodrama and its various applications for many years working in Australia and New Zealand campus programs as well as being an active trainer in the psychodrama programs in Greece and Japan. Chris has worked as a consultant in Community Development in South East Asia for many years in particular working in the recovery programs in post-war Vietnam and during the uprisings in Myanmar.