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Authored by Blatner, A.

Author Title Year Publication details
Blatner, A. Tele (PDF, 277.7 KB) 1994 Psychodrama since Moreno: Innovations in theory and practice Edited by Holmes P, Karp M, Watson, M Routledge London
Blatner, A. The Double (PDF, 2.5 MB) 1996 Springer, USA
Blatner, A. The Basic Elements of Psychodrama (PDF, 633.2 KB) 1996 Springer, USA
Blatner, A. The Action (PDF, 1.1 MB) 1996 Springer, USA
Blatner, A. Sociometry: General Considerations (PDF, 637.7 KB) 2000 Springer, USA
Blatner, A. Sociometry Chapter from Foundations of Psychodrama (PDF, 456.9 KB) 2000 Springer, USA
Blatner, A. Psychodrama: The State of the Art (PDF, 655.2 KB) 1997 Pergamon, USA
Blatner, A. Applied Role Theory - 111: Specific Techniques (PDF, 471.2 KB) 2000 Springer, New York
Blatner, A. Applied Role Theory - 11: Dynamic Concepts (PDF, 532.2 KB) 2000 Springer, New York
Blatner, A. Applied Role Theory - 1: General Considerations (PDF, 652.4 KB) 2000 Springer, New York