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Authored by Clayton, G. M.

Author Title Year Publication details
Clayton, G. M. The Preparation and Writing of a Social and Cultural Atom Paper (PDF, 708.4 KB) 1995 AANZPA Inc
Clayton, G. M. Revisiting the Concept of the ‘Here and Now’ (PDF, 139.2 KB) 2001 A keynote address presented by Dr. G. Maxwell Clayton on 28thJanuary 2001 at the Fifth Pacific Rim Regional Congress of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy
Clayton, G. M. Role theory and its application in clinical practice (PDF, 515.2 KB) 1994 Psychodrama since Moreno: Innovations in theory and practice Edited by Holmes P, Karp M, Watson, M Routledge London
Clayton, G. M.; Clayton, L. A Psychodrama Session (PDF, 1.4 MB) 1974 Experiential Psychotherapies in Australia
Clayton, G. M. The Spirit and Purpose of Role Reversal (PDF, 297.6 KB) 2008 Unpublished paper
Clayton, G. M. The Concept of Role (PDF, 629.0 KB) 1993 ICA Press, Caufield Victoria
Clayton, G. M. Role Training: Purpose and Structure (PDF, 279.3 KB) 1992 ICA Press, Caufield, Victoria
Clayton, G. M. Revisiting the Concept of the Here and Now (PDF, 158.9 KB) 2001 Unpublished paper
Clayton, G. M. Notes on Spontaneity (PDF, 121.6 KB) 1989 The Australian College of Psychodrama
Clayton, G. M. Moreno and Psychodrama (PDF, 433.9 KB) 1989 The Australian College of Psychodrama
Clayton, G. M. Interviewing for a Role (PDF, 404.4 KB) Unknown