W1: Psychodrama Training Workshop

Description This 3-day psychodrama training workshop aims to bring about a greater knowledge of the theory and practice of psychodrama and will involve teaching and supervised practice. There will be opportunities to deepen your learning about and to practice group...

W2: Residential Psychodrama Training Workshop 2022

Description This 4-day residential psychodrama training workshop aims to bring about a greater knowledge and integration of the theory and practice of psychodrama, sociometry, role training, sociodrama and group work. There will be many opportunities to deepen your...

W3: The Psychodrama Director as Improviser

Description Like an improviser, the director of a psychodrama, sociodrama, role training, sociometry, or group work session needs to accept each moment as it comes and respond in the here and now to what is emerging in the individual and the group; and then, to what...

W4: Sociodrama Training Workshop: Coming to Grips with Racism.

Description There is heightened attention right now on racism, its impacts and how it can be overcome. You may be more aware of racism in your professional, community or family life than ever before. Perhaps you find yourself in the middle of conversations about...