Past Training Programmes – Nelson
Cher Williscroft Psychodrama Essential: An introduction to using the psychodramatic method
Nelson. November 8th 2025. Cher Williscroft. This one-day workshop will involve active, experiential learning using the psychodrama method. This may include one of the four psychodrama specialities: role training, sociodrama, sociometry and psychodrama. It will benefit those who wish to experience the psychodrama method and draw on its potency in your work This workshop will also assist you to develop your leadership capacity – in play, in work and in relationships – increasing your capacity to rise up to life’s challenges and be uplifted in your spirit.
Cher Williscroft Psychodrama Essentials: An introduction to using the psychodramatic method
Nelson. February 22 2025. Cher Williscroft. This one-day workshop will involve active, experiential learning using the psychodrama method. This may include one of the four psychodrama specialities: role training, sociodrama, sociometry and psychodrama. It will benefit those who wish to experience the psychodrama method and draw on its potency in your work This workshop will also assist you to develop your leadership capacity – in play, in work and in relationships – increasing your capacity to rise up to life’s challenges and be uplifted in your spirit.
Cher Williscroft Supervised Practice Group – developing your competent practice
Cher Williscroft Supervised Practice Group – developing your competent practice Feb to Oct 2025
Suitable for those trainees who work in one to one, group or organisational setting: counselling, psychology, supervision, teaching, training, psychotherapy, coaching, group workers or community development, who wish to ensure their competent practice and expand their abilities in a small group setting.
Role Training – doing better in the moment May 2025
May 2 to 4 2025 Nelson: Chris Hosking. Role Training – doing better in the moment. Standalone weekend training workshop. Suitable for anyone in counselling, psychology, teaching, training, psychotherapy, coaching, or anyone who works in a practice that helps others to develop a progressive and satisfying life.
Supervised Practice Series ‘Running Groups’ – Friday afternoon series
3 x Friday afternoons 2.00–4.30 pm Supervised Practice sessions run by Cher Williscroft on 8 March, 14 June and 11 October. Enrolment is for all 3 sessions. Focus is on setting up and running psychodrama groups in your work or in the community. Designed for those who want to run a group using Psychodramatic action methods and receive peer support and trainer supervision for their practice. Max 5 people.
Developing Your Psychodrama Practice – March 2024
March 8–10 Standalone, individual weekend training workshop run by Claire Guy ‘Developing Your Psychodrama Practice’ (Friday evening plus Saturday/Sunday). Suitable for all levels of trainees wishing to develop their practice, including people who’d like to dip their toes into a psychodrama training experience for the first time.
Chris Hosking ‘The Integration of Psychodrama and Group Work’ – October 2024
October 11–13 Standalone, individual weekend training workshop run by visiting trainer, Chris Hosking, ‘The Integration of Psychodrama and Group Work’ (Friday evening plus Saturday and Sunday). Suitable for established group facilitators, new and prospective group workers and those who would like to better understand or participate in groups.
Dipping Your Toes Into Psychodrama – November 2024
Friday, 8 November 2024, a one-day introduction to a psychodrama training workshop. Designed to give people an introductory experience to see if they wish to incorporate the psychodramatic method into their work and/or life. Run by Cher Williscroft.
Making Humane Interventions in Social Systems – June 2024
June 14–16 Standalone, individual weekend training workshop run by Cher Williscroft ‘Making Humane Interventions in Social Systems’ (Friday evening plus Saturday/Sunday). Suitable for all levels of trainees or people working or participating in organisations, perhaps involved in team or organisational development, wishing to make change within their organisation.
Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners – August 2024
15-18 August 2024. Popular four-day residential psychodrama sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort near Nelson. Practitioners and Trainees of all levels are invited to enrol.
2023 Creating the Life You Want weekend workshop with Claire Guy
Nelson Campus: Weekend personal development workshop run by Claire Guy 11-12 November 2023. No previous experience of psychodrama is required. Create the life you want . . . believe in yourself, make good choices and take the right actions. (Non-residential, limited spaces available)
2023 Training Weekend Workshop with Chris Hosking
Nelson Campus: Option to only enrol for a single weekend training workshop with Chris Hosking 13 – 15 October (Friday evening plus Saturday and Sunday). Suitable for beginners as an Introductory workshop.
2023 Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson
Nelson Campus year-long Multi-Level Psychodrama Training Programme comprises 3 non-residential training weekends (48 training hours) plus 1 hour supervision mid-year. Open to all trainee levels. Weekend 1 (March 3-5) with Cher Williscroft, Weekend 2 (June 23-25) with Claire Guy and Weekend 3 (October 13-15) with Chris Hosking.
2023 Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners
Nelson: 17 – 20 August 2023. A four-day residential psychodrama sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort. Practitioners and Trainees of all levels are invited to enrol.
2022 One-to-One Supervised Director Training ExLD
Programme for Advanced Trainees : Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8...
2022 Training Weekend Workshop with Chris Hosking and Cher Williscroft
2022 Nelson: Join the Multi-LevelOption to only enrol for a single weekend training workshop with Chris Hosking and Cher Williscroft – Friday evening, 29 April plus Saturday, 30 April and Sunday, 1 May. Please note: This weekend workshop forms part of ExLD’s year-long Multi-Level training programme and is being offered as a ‘stand-alone’ workshop to a limited number of 5 people (in addition to the 12 spaces available on our Multi-Level training programme). People who have enrolled in 2022A Year-Long Multi-Level Training Programme will automatically be enrolled for this weekend workshop.
2022 Invigorate Your Life and Work – a taste of the psychodrama method with Ali Watersong
Nelson: 1-day personal development workshop run by qualified leader, Ali Watersong. now Sunday, 7 August 2022. No previous experience of psychodrama is required. Come along, bring a friend, and have a taste of the possibilities that psychodrama gives to transform, enrich and invigorate your life and work.
2022 Creating the Life You Want weekend workshop with Claire Guy
Nelson: Weekend personal development workshop run by Claire Guy 12-13 November 2022. No previous experience of psychodrama is required. Create the life you want . . . believe in yourself, make good choices and take the right actions. (Non-residential)
2022 Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson
2022 Nelson: Year-long psychodrama training programme comprising 3 non-residential training weekends (48 training hours) plus 5.5 hours supervision of trainee-led Expo/Open Day. Open to all trainee levels. There is also the option to only enrol in the weekend workshop being run by Chris Hosking and Cher Williscroft (29 April to 1 May).
2022 Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners
Nelson: 18 – 21 August 2022. A four-day residential psychodrama sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort. Practitioners and Trainees of all levels are invited to enrol.
2021 One-to-One Supervised Director Training ExLD
Programme for Advanced Trainees : Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8...
2021 Creating the Life You Want weekend workshop
Nelson: New dates/times for this 2-day workshop – Thursday October 21st and Thursday November 18th. A personal and professional development workshop run by Claire Guy. No previous experience of psychodrama is required. Create the life you want . . . believe in yourself, make good choices and take the right actions.
Visiting trainer Chris Hosking 2021 weekend training workshop
Nelson: 16 – 18 April 2021. A non-residential weekend training workshop run by Chris Hosking, visiting trainer. “Highlighting the drama in psychodrama”
2021 Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners
Nelson: new dates 4 – 7 November 2021. A four-day residential psychodrama sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort. Practitioners and Trainees of all levels are invited to enrol.
2021 Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson
2021 Nelson: Year-long psychodrama training programme comprising 3 x non-residential training weekends, each with a different focus. Total 48 training hours. Open to all trainee levels. Two trainers (Claire Guy and Cher Williscroft) will lead all weekend workshops.
2020 One-to-One Supervised Director Training ExLD
Programme for Advanced Trainees. Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8 group...
Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson
Nelson: Year-long psychodrama training programme comprising 3 x non-residential training weekends, each with a different focus. Open to all trainee levels.
Creating the Life You Want weekend workshop
Nelson: 7 – 8 November 2020. A non-residential Saturday/Sunday experiential workshop. No previous experience of psychodrama is required. Create the life you want . . . believe in yourself, make good choices and take the right actions.
Role Development through Spontaneity and Practice – Chris Hosking
Nelson: 30/31 October and 1 November 2020. A weekend non-residential workshop. Join us in Nelson for visiting trainer, Chris Hosking’s workshop Role development through Spontaneity and Practice.
Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners
Nelson: 20 – 23 August 2020. A four-day residential psychodrama sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort. Practitioners and Trainees of all levels are invited to enrol.
Repair and Renewal of the Social Atom – Restoring the Fluidity of Being
Nelson. 5 – 7 April 2019 A weekend non-residential workshop. Join us in Nelson for returning, visiting trainer, Chris Hosking’s workshop “Repair and Renewal of the Social Atom – Restoring the Fluidity of Being”.
Nelson – Kimi Ora Residential Workshop for Trainees and Practitioners
2019 August 22 - 25 : Join us at our annual four-day residential psychodrama, sociodrama and group work training workshop at beautiful Kimi Ora Eco Resort near Nelson. As a result of this workshop, you can expect to apply your knowledge and understanding of group...
Spring School of Spontaneity workshop
Nelson. October 25 – 27. A weekend non-residential workshop. In this playful workshop, you will learn about Moreno’s five levels of spontaneity. You will participate in activities that will encourage imaginative flow and increase the ability to say ‘yes’ to life as it presents moment by moment.
2019 One-to-One Supervised Director Training Nelson
Programme for Advanced Trainees. Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8 group...
Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson
2018 - Starts with a weekend workshop on February 17th and 18th This year-long multi-level programme aims to build your experience and practice of the psychodrama method every day in your chosen profession, work, in your community, in your relationships and in play....
2019 Multi-Level Year-Long Psychodrama Training Programme Nelson
Starts 16-17th February 2019 : A year-long multi-level programme to build your experience and practice of the psychodrama method every day in your chosen profession, work, in your community, in your relationships and in play. This will be achieved through...
Monthly: An Experience of Psychodrama Nelson
2022 – During these evening sessions, you will get a taste of the method of psychodrama, for some for you perhaps for the first time. It will be a gentle introduction to the philosophy and methods developed by Dr J L Moreno and furthered by practitioners in psychodrama associations worldwide.
Paul Baakman Workshop – Freedom to Act
Nelson: 6-7-8 April 2018. Surplus reality opens up our imagination to see other worlds and possibilities. Psychodrama production becomes artful when participants are able to release themselves from the constraints of the cultural conserve (‘from how things are usually done’). They go through an inner process which creates the freedom to become creative, and artistic. Trainer: Paul Baakman
Kimi Ora Residential Workshop 2018
Kimi Ora. 23 -26 August 2018. Cher Williscroft and Claire Guy have a vision to build your capacity for flexible group leadership and for directing psychodrama and sociodramatic enactments with courage.
Onetahua Marae Residential Weekend Workshop
Onetahua Marae. 26-28 October 2018. This residential training workshop will have an emphasis on whanaungatanga, sociometry and family systems as we integrate our learning from the year. Trainers Cher Williscroft and Claire Guy
Humanising our Social Systems: a sociodrama training workshop
22 -24 September, 2017: This training workshop will focus on the tipping point where an organisation or social system realises its humane values, or, forgets or overlooks them. Kindness, helpfulness, collaboration, transparency, trust and empathy will be evident in a humane culture. The systems will be forgiving and compassionate; matters that are heartfelt by the individual are respected, tolerated and hopefully enjoyed. The loss or absence of these values results in a culture that is highly competitive, callous, heartless, severe and ‘machine like’.
Multi-Level Monthly Sundays Training Group 2017
2018 Multi-Level Psychodrama Training Programme Description This year-long multi-level programme aims to build your experience and practice of the psychodrama method every day in your chosen profession, work, in your community, in your relationships and in...
Monthly: An Experience of Psychodrama 2017 Nelson
Monthly: During these evenings you will get a taste of the method of psychodrama, for some for you maybe for the first time. It will be a gentle introduction to the philosophy and methods developed by Dr J L Moreno and furthered by practitioners in psychodrama associations worldwide.
Kimi Ora Psychodrama and Sociodrama Residential Workshop
03 – 06 August, 2017: All trainees will be encouraged to try out new things with generous encouragement and coaching. Your learning may be through personal work, group leadership, auxiliary work, producing dramatic enactments, through writing, through the relationship you develop with others on the workshop.
One to One Supervised Director Training
13 February, 2017: Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8 group members is recommended.) The trainee will arrange the venue and promotion of their group with guidance from a primary trainer.
One to One Supervised Director Training
Programme for Advanced Trainees : Advanced trainees will set up and lead a practise personal development group. The group can be made up of current trainees, those who are interested in psychodrama from the community or from a network of friends. (A minimum of 8...